
A city with no love

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A city with no love

十日 (2007 February 02)

After travelled many cities, what I find is Sydney is a place to live but not for love. It might be caused by the climate. Love needs rain, needs wind and needs tear. Long hair flies in the wind, cold hands need someone to warm up and the cold heart needs love song's softly touch. Love also needs the loneliness. When you walk alone in the square, the sudden wind blow up your coat. That is the love story. It must be in a fall. A chilly feeling remind you there is someone in the home sit in the shadow of the candle. She is waiting for you, in the warm nest.

You stand alone in the cliff of the rock, looking over the ship slip away. Your love is travelling across the planet, you are left alone to taste the sorrow...

Do we have sadness in Sydney? No! we only have hollowness.

(Photo Source: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zFp_rNmen4s/SdXhCtNPDdI/AAAAAAAABxE/dT3r9xR3)QkA/DSCF5866.JPG


